Emergent Curriculum - a Child Led Process
Teacher and students work in tandem to steer the curriculum, a process called emergent curriculum. Emergent curriculum is a philosophy of teaching and way of planning curriculum that focuses on being responsive to children's interests to create meaningful learning experiences. If our students become interested in birds and their nests, then our curriculum will incorporate all things related, such as studying an abandoned bird nest, singing songs about birds and flight, candling eggs, learning bird lifecycles, cutting out lettered eggs to spell our names, and more. Everything we do to learn our desired skills will be done through the lens of what they are interested in, which brings a higher level of engagement and interest.
Previous curriculums we’ve explored are:
Community Helpers - who are the helpers in our community?
Colors - how they combine to become new colors
Water – Including water transportation, water animals, and water science
I’m, me, I’m special! Building self-confidence through daily routines and personal care skills
Our curriculum focus changes as student’s interests change, so keep an eye out for new study areas as your child grows!